User’s Guide


This section is about what has to be considered w.r.t. compatibility with the ROS2 and Python runtime environment.

ROS2 versions

hypothesis-ros2 supports all non-alpha ROS2 releases (beginning with Ardent Apalone) which are:

ROS2 message package versions

hypothesis-ros supports all current and future ROS2 message packages like e.g. cartographer_ros_msgs.

ROS2 build tools

The recommended build tool for ROS2 Ardent Apalone is ament. Beginning with ROS2 Bouncy Bolson the recommended build tool is colcon (ROS2 design build tool). Both build tools may integrate with nose and pytest via the ament buildsystem in CMake. ament_cmake provides integration with nose via ament_cmake_nose and integration with pytest via ament_cmake_pytest respectively.

Python interpreters

ROS2 requires at least Python version 3.5 (ROS2 design changes). ROS2 isn’t supporting PyPy (Will ROS2 support PyPy?). All Python dependencies of hypothesis-ros2 satisfy this requirement:

Python test frameworks (test runners)

The ROS2 build tools support the Python test runners nose and pytest. hypothesis-ros extends hypothesis which means that compatible Python test runners depend on hypothesis. Hypothesis is compatible with (hypothesis docs testing frameworks):

  • unittest (supported, tested, no limitations),
  • pytest (supported, tested, limitations: function based fixtures do not behave like expected),
  • nose (supported, tested, yield based tests do not work)


This section is about what has to be considered w.r.t. configuration of hypothesis specifics and tests.

hypothesis settings

hypothesis was initially designed for Python source code level testing. Therefore the configuration of settings needs special care.

deadline: A deadline has either set to a very high value or should be disabled.

perform_health_checks: In case perform_health_checks is enabled some health checks need to be selectively disabled with suppress_health_check.

suppress_health_check: Refer to hypothesis health checks.

use_coverage: hypothesis supports coverage based data generation when the tests are executed on the Python source code level. hypothesis-ros does not support coverage based data generation. Enabling it has no effect/could raise errors.

A typical configuration of timeout and deadline in @settings looks like follows:

from hypothesis import settings, unlimited

def test_node_does_not_crash(...):

The settings database_file, database, buffer_size, derandomize, max_examples, max_iterations, max_shrinks, min_satisfying_examples, phases, stateful_step_count, strict, usually don’t need special consideration and may be used as usual.

hypothesis health checks

hypothesis was initially designed for Python source code level testing. Therefore the configuration of health checks (hypothesis docs health checks) needs special care. In case health checks are performed (perform_health_checks) the health ckeck too_slow and hung_test need to be disabled via suppress_healthcheck usually.

A typical configuration of suppress_health_check in @settings looks like follows:

from hypothesis import settings, HealthCheck

def test_node_does_not_crash(...):

The health checks data_too_large, filter_too_much, return_value and large_base_example don’t need special consideration and may be used as usual.

hypothesis example database

If a test fails hypothesis saves the test input into a database. The next time hypothesis runs this conditions will be used first. The configuration of the example database may be adjusted as usual (hypothesis docs example database).